Preferences Overview
Preferences are where you can your personal preferences and modify your profile information.
Username: The username you enter to sign in to Kohezion.
Password/Confirm: You can reset your password by entering a new password and by confirming the new password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one character which is not a letter.
First Name: Your first name.
Last Name: Your last name.
Email: Your email address. Kohezion will send you emails, such as notification and reminder emails, at this address.
Date Format: The format in which you want to input date values.
Language: The language in which you want to receive email notifications.
Records Grid Size: The number of Records to show per page when viewing Records in a grid.
Start Tab: The tab to open after you sign in. If you leave the start tab empty, the last tab you viewed will be re-opened when you sign in.
Number of Record Grid Columns: The default number of columns to display when viewing Records in a grid. You can control the specific columns to display by setting your Grid Column Preferences for each Project.
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