Email Notifications
The goal of Email Notifications is to make Users aware of changes to a Record or to make them away that a Record was assigned to them to take some action.
The email notifications sent by Kohezion will include a summary of the latest changes made to the Record at the top of the email as well as the full Record.
Key Concepts
Form: The Form of a Database Application defines the Data Fields and Data Sections that define the structure and layout of the Form used to enter and edit Records. A form consists of the main section which can contain multiple Data Fields and optionally of Data Sections.
Data Field: Data Fields are specific fields that allow users to enter data in a Record. Each Data Field has a specific type (date, date & time, dropdown, number, etc.) and has various properties to adjust its validation settings and its behavior.
User List Data Field: A Data Field that allows the user to select a User as the value of the field. The User List Data Field will display a list of all Users who have access to the Project to which the Record belongs to.
Enabling Email Notifications
In order to enable email notifications, you must first add a User List Data Field in the Form of the Database Application. See Form Builder Overview.
Once the User List Data Field is added to the Form, its properties will appear in the properties grid on the right-hand side of the Form. In the properties grid, enable the “Assignment Notifications” property so that when one or more Users are selected in the User List Data Field, they will receive an email notification.
Blocking Email Notifications
Each User can decide to block email notifications for Projects to which the User has access. This is done by setting Project Preferences. See Project Preferences.
Overriding Block of Email Notifications
It is possible to force email notifications on users who opted to block them. To force the notifications, you must edit the Form of your Database Application and select the User List Data Field for which to force notifications. See Form Builder Overview.
In the properties grid, enable the “Force Assignment Notifications” property so that when one or more Users are selected in the User List Data Field, they will receive an email notification regardless of their notification settings.
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